Year: 2022

Leveraging Fellowships for Professional Development

I have participated in a number of fellowship programs, and here are some pointers on how to make the most of these opportunities. Your why: This is very important. Before you apply for any fellowship, there are salient questions you should ask yourself: What do you hope to achieve? How does the program align with […]

Artificial Intelligence and Gender Equality!

For a long time, intelligence was only connected with humans. It was utilized by scientists to demonstrate a clear distinction between humans and animals in terms of our ability to think, be creative, imaginative, and propose solutions. These attributes are fundamental to human beings, and intellect was once thought to be unique to humans. Things […]

Men Picking Up The Gauntlet 9!!! – John ‘Dare Okafor

There is this current trend about alpha males. An alpha male is a man who is seen as the standard of what masculinity should be, especially by younger or other men. They usually seem or act better than other men. Alpha males tend to have money, confidence, and ladies flocking around them. They seem to […]

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