For a long time, intelligence was only connected with humans. It was utilized by scientists to demonstrate a clear distinction between humans and animals in terms of our ability to think, be creative, imaginative, and propose solutions. These attributes are fundamental to human beings, and intellect was once thought to be unique to humans. Things have changed since then. Human intelligence is no longer the only form of intelligence. Our technological geniuses have produced Artificial Intelligence. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI), we see robots and computers playing the role of humans in data collection, analysis, projections, and all the rest. These devices are programmed to store memory, proffer solutions and help in decision making. They are also programmed to work as smart assistants, conversational marketing robots, autoresponders, chatbots, help desks, and the like. They even work virtually and physically to take and dispatch orders in various sectors of the economy. Nearly every field of human endeavor can and has incorporated AI into making their products and services better. In this piece, we are going to look at a few ways that AI can help foster gender equality.
Gender Equality is simply the belief that both genders are equal and should have equal rights and access to opportunities. In the society, the females are relegated and seen as subservient especially in Africa while the men are seen as kings. When a woman is ambitious or career-driven, she is seen as loud and arrogant but when the coins are turned to the side of the male gender he is seen as productive and his praise is sung by all. These subtle biases may seem insignificant but they play out in people’s perception of hiring female leaders, promoting female staff, and in some cases salaries paid to female workers.
AI can increase gender discrimination by affecting women. Since AI does tasks that people can do, it can limit women’s chances of getting into roles like customer service, support, and so on.
Can AI promote gender equality? Yes. Since AI makes tasks easier and faster and helps in data collation and analysis, AI can be used to identify areas where women are being discriminated against. An example where this can be very useful is in hiring candidates for executive roles. AI can be used to monitor the hiring processes. If any discrimination is noticed, it will be investigated and addressed. In a similar light, AI can be used to monitor bias in election primaries, access to education, or certain privileges like grants, funding, scholarships, membership of boards, and so on. AI can also make it easier to report suspected cases of discrimination or any form of ills against girls and women. People can connect with sites, software, or messaging platforms 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and be led to the nearest NGO, government official, or assistance center AI by developing sites, software, or messaging platforms. It has the potential to save many girls from child labor, and child marriage, and keep them in school. In combat zones, artificial intelligence can help make access to pads and other feminine hygiene supplies easier. AI has the potential to make education and health care more accessible to girls and women in locations where people may find it difficult to travel.
Finally, UNESCO recommends that more girls and women be encouraged to pursue careers in technology, particularly artificial intelligence. When more girls and women get interested in AI, they will strive to provide solutions that will benefit other women, level the playing field, and reduce disparities. We can all contribute to ensuring that this technology brings us closer together. Let’s learn more about AI and put it into practice. Let’s also urge our young females to pursue AI training and research how to apply it to promote gender equality.
Nice write up! As the world moves towards Artificial intelligence, I think this is a nice discuss, A call for Inclusion
Thank you
A beautiful read.
Thank you
Yes, AI wouLd be helpful to identify patterns frOm a VErY big pool and wOUld seRve tO enhance facts baSEd advocacy.
Also, AIs being human tools also may reinforce human practices, like some have alleged that self driving cars AIs are racist as they weren’t optimally programmed to pick black faces as humans and thus more likely to hit a black: a designer bias. Similar has happened in many other technological products where they echo designers bias.
Thank you
It’s nice to read this article. You have proposed some ideas that can protect solutions to the gender and societal issues mentioned above. Well done Roseline.
Thank you
Unfortunately, gender discrimination is so widespread in our world and it is even gaining monumentum, but, without any doubts, it is so important to find new effective methods which could promote gender equality. Of course, the possibilities of AI are immeasurable and it is important to use them to a great extent. I’m so glad that AI can breathe new life into gender equality and contribute to eliminating gender descrimibatiom because it can lay the foundation of a new reality where women are not oppressed and where they are treated in a fair way. I think that monitoring the hiring processes by AI can be a very effective method to fight gender descrimiation because everything will be controlled and it will reduce the chances that candidates will be selected by gender. I am looking forward to seeing great changes and I have no doubts that women will feel more free, having more privileges thanks to AI.
Thank you