
International Day of Friendship : Sisterhood

Growing up, I didn’t have many female friends. I didn’t really understand what it meant to have friends with whom you bonded so closely like sisters. For years, I couldn’t relate when girls were so close and called each other best friends. Today, I am grateful that I get to experience that. When I look […]

Patriarchy is a System and not an anti-male notion!

One of the things I am most emphatic about in my advocacy is the fact that opposing the system of patriarchy is not the same as hating men. I always reiterate that saying that the patriarchal system should be eradicated is not an attack on men or the cancellation of men in our society. Opposing […]

The Brief Biography of a Super Woman and Mother: A Son’s Narrative

I have always posted fiction on my blog but today I will be sharing a true-life story. A male friend of mine would like me to share the story of his mum with the belief that women will learn from the story. While reading it, I could not hold back my tears. I had to […]

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