Month: February 2021

The Brief Biography of a Super Woman and Mother: A Son’s Narrative

I have always posted fiction on my blog but today I will be sharing a true-life story. A male friend of mine would like me to share the story of his mum with the belief that women will learn from the story. While reading it, I could not hold back my tears. I had to […]

International Women’s Day 2021 Loading

March 8 is International Women’s Day. I will be hosting a webinar on the theme: Choose to challenge gender bias and inequality. This is an opportunity to challenge stereotypes, call for inclusion, amplify women’s voices, and to celebrate women. We shall be celebrating all women living beyond limitations, holding up, making an impact, influencing the […]

World Radio Day 2021

As we celebrate World Radio Day, I am proud to be alive in a generation where the radio is more than just something people tune into for the news. The reality of how it is also a tool that can be used to change the negative perceptions and stereotypes that people have had for years gladdens my heart and gives me hope. People are being reached out to. People are listening and learning. They are growing. They are evolving and someday gender equality will be a reality all over the world because people use the radio to educate, enlighten and promote this good cause.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021 – Seyi Adelusi

As a young lady in STEM, which is a male-dominated area, one often encounters toxic masculinity. Also, men in the field get more visibility, at times for less work. As a result, I have had to work extra hard to attain the same visibility as some of my men colleagues. These are major challenges many other women I know and I face in STEM.

My approach toward these challenges has been to ignore the noise and focus on activities that move the needle. What I mean here is that as long as you focus on making an impact, eventually, people will come to terms with your worth as a woman in STEM.

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